A case study from acute operation

Emmy flashed in the Tatras

The virtual nurse is prepared as a tool for doctors, but it is important that nurses and patients are also able and, above all, willing to work with it. What is the experience of a general practitioner with its deployment and use?

At the conference of the Slovak Society of General Practical Medicine (SSVPL) in Stary Smokovec, Ondřej Sobotka finally had the opportunity to meet in person with MD. Pavel Nemečko, a doctor who introduced Emmys in his office a nice line of months ago. He can thus bring an insider's view of how the transition process from previous tools was going, what his patients were saying to the virtual nurse, and whether the nurse was chasing him with the new system.

See how Emmy helps in the office of a practical doctor.

“The patients are excited about Emma and I will order the whole afternoon in one click.”

MD. Jana returtilova

The vast majority of patients immediately and without problems went to the Emmy

I started working with Emmy immediately, without any problems. We already communicated with patients in other ways, such as email or through another application in our software, so when I sent them the notification that we were switching to a new system, the vast majority switched to it immediately and without problems.

MUDr. Pavel Nemecek
General Practitioner in Žilina

The situation before the Emmy: we searched in vain for the right solution

How does Emmy's practice work for you, what experience have you had with her?
We have been looking for software for a long time that would allow patients to communicate with us and order. About five systems are used in Slovakia, but they did not meet our requirements. Then we came across Emmy, which has everything we imagined that the system should have.

What surprised you the most about the Emmy?
That it is very flexible, as a doctor I have at my disposal incredible settings options in communicating with patients, calendars, ordering system... It also has a very sophisticated system of recommended responses to patients, that we greatly appreciate. And already at the first contact, the patient fills out a short structured questionnaire, which helps us a lot and can direct us to what the person in question will need.

How difficult was it for you in the office to learn to work with Emmy?
I personally started working with her immediately, without any problems. We have already communicated with patients in other ways, such as email or through another application in our software, so when I sent them the notification that we were switching to a new system, the vast majority switched to it immediately and without problems.

Was there any problem convincing patients to start using Emmys?
Patients had no choice, because we turned off the other systems. But no, there was no problem, most of them immediately went to it, registered and immediately from the first day began to communicate.

Do seniors also use Emmy?
Yes, either directly in person, we have patients who are sixty to seventy years old and can communicate without problems through Emmys, but there is, of course, the possibility of setting up representation and in which case all communication is procured by children or grandchildren. Seniors have no problem.

See how Emmy helps in the office of a practical doctor.

“The patients are excited about Emma and I will order the whole afternoon in one click.”

MD. Jana returtilova

Emmy has everything we imagined a system for communication and ordering should have.
Doktor Pavel Nemecek

The nurse was happy because she missed a lot of phone calls

What about the nurse? Didn't she protest that you invented some new system?
The nurse was happy because she missed quite a few phone calls. For example, patients began to order drugs through Emmy. Twenty percent of those who still call because of the recipe remain so, the rest go through the virtual sister.

Did she have trouble learning with a virtual nurse?
The system is simple, intuitive, the site works quickly and without problems, even the nurse started working with it immediately.

So even in your office you have seen a decrease in phone calls, although before that some other system was used, emails?
It wasn't an obvious decline, but the nature and structure of those calls changed. There are fewer of those that can be solved electronically and we can focus more on those that are essential and need to be solved over the phone.

We continue to discover more and more options that Emmy offers

Is there anything you would like for Emmy to improve on, or for her to learn?
We know that Emmy has even more options that are not yet used in Slovakia. We believe that voice assistants will be launched soon. But otherwise I would say that there is nothing to improve. Rather, we discover more and more options and adapt them to the needs of our clinic. For example, the specific wording of responses to patients, a calendar system and ordering... We are already well versed in this.

And don't you mind that Emmy is actually another system that you work with in the office, after all, you have outpatient software and in addition a virtual nurse...?
Yes, some colleagues solve this by having two monitors, having outpatient software on one, and Emmy on the other. But it is not difficult to click between two windows. In Emmy, I can copy both the texts of the patients they send us and our answers with one click and copy them where I need them, so there is no problem.

See how Emmy helps in the office of a practical doctor.

“The patients are excited about Emma and I will order the whole afternoon in one click.”

MD. Jana returtilova

Emmy frees up time for clinical performances

May Emmy serve and continue to improve life in the office!

We wish MUDr. To the German, so that Emmy continues to save time in his office, so that he has the joy of caring for patients and does not have to spend hours on unnecessary administration.

See how Emmy helps in the office of a practical doctor.

“The patients are excited about Emma and I will order the whole afternoon in one click.”

MD. Jana returtilova

MUDr. Nemeček in his own words - see the recording of the interview with MUDr. Sobotka

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MUDr. Ondrej Sobotka

Founder and Head Physician of Emmay

Tim Young

Founder and CEO