A case study from acute operation

Dr. Hladíková won 2 hours a day thanks to Emmy

When she started MUDr. Karla Hladíková used Emmy, in the office the phones finally stopped ringing and she could concentrate on work without interruption.

She also stopped hiring another nurse for one day a week, whose only job was to handle phone calls.

Karla Hladíková is a general practitioner with fourteen years of experience. It acts in the Olomouc region It has three offices.

One in the town of Potstat and the other in the villages of Olšovec and Partutovice. Total Registers 1920 patients.

See how Emmy helps in the office of a practical doctor.

“The patients are excited about Emma and I will order the whole afternoon in one click.”

MD. Jana returtilova

Rural office accepts 80% of requests through Emmy and doctor saves up to 2 hours a day

“I have 3 offices in a small town and surrounding villages. More than half of the patients are over fifty years old. They quickly got used to the change and send 80% of requests through Emmy.

Thanks to this, I am no longer distracted by constant phone calls. I can focus on the patient in front of me and there is no risk of making a mistake out of inattention.”

MD. Karla Hladíková,
general practitioner in Olšovec and Potštat

The situation before the Emmy: the constantly ringing phone

Like other practitioners, Karla Hladíková felt Covid pandemic exhaustion.

While it normally handles an average of 54 patients per day, during covid it used to be up to 100 people per day. “It was terrible, my nurse and I were saying we don't do it anymore,”mentions Karla Hladíková.

The main communication tool in her office used to be the telephone, because the doctor did not have a work email. But family and acquaintances often wrote to her on private email, on WhatsApp or sent text messages. Another way of communicating then was knocking on the windows of the offices, which are located on the ground floors of the buildings.

The biggest rush of patients used to be after the weekend, so the doctor was on Mondays She hired another sister..

“Her only job was to take calls. She always assured the patient that we would solve the request to his satisfaction, wrote down his number and said that we would call him later and warned him straight away that it could only be in the late afternoon.”says the doctor.

Although the calls were mainly received by the nurse, the doctor did not have the peace of mind to work.

“I examined a patient, for example, when a nurse came in with another patient on the phone, who called, for example, about the results of blood sampling, wanted to make an appointment for an examination or asked for an extract from the medical record. There was so much work and phone calls that I was starting to worry I'll make a mistake,”narrated by Karla Hladíková.

See how Emmy helps in the office of a practical doctor.

“The patients are excited about Emma and I will order the whole afternoon in one click.”

MD. Jana returtilova

During the pandemic, the doctor had to equip up to 100 patients a day. Emmy helped her a lot with this.

Emmy Deployment in One Afternoon

When Karla Hladíková heard about the virtual Emmy Center, which automates routine communication between doctors and patients, she was intrigued.

“I immediately wanted Emmy. I knew that this was our only chance to manage this difficult period in health and not go crazy.” The doctor laughs.

When she checked out a demo of the software in an online meeting, she made sure Emmy was really the one. Therefore, the very next day, she arranged for a sharp deployment of Emmy. The implementation was very fast.

I remember it was a Thursday when I did not ordinate until the afternoon. In the morning, Emmys were put on for me, and I wrote an informational text on the website. In it, I explained that Emmy will allow us to cope with the pressure of work and asked all patients under 60 for help during this difficult time. I asked them to sign up and start using Emmy. In the afternoon I opened the office and started working straight with Emmy,” says the doctor.We directly asked everyone who called to help us and try to register for an Emmy. We explained with the nurse that this is not an obligation, but a plea for cooperation.

Nurse quickly learned to work with Emmy

The nurse in Karly Hladíková's office knew how to work with a computer, but so far she has always been content with only basic control and called herself a computer “baby”.

“I threw her into it a little bit. When she came to work in the afternoon, I told her we were going to use Emmy and explained to her how it works. At first she was afraid that she pressed something badly, but she got used to it very quickly and finally recognized that it was a good idea.”

The ease of control showed even when Karla Hladíková needed a deputy.

“I went with my family on spring break and was represented in the office by my Seventy year old mom who is also a doctor. She learned to work with Emmy on the first try,”says Karla Hladíková.

How did the patients react?

At present, after half a year of deployment, he comes to the rural office about ‍80 % požiadaviek práve cez Emmy. „Viac ako polovica mojich pacientov má cez päťdesiat a prácu s Emmy dobre zvládajú. Napríklad práve teraz mi prišla požiadavka od sedemdesiatjeden ročnej pacientky,“ says the doctor.

Emmy is not a hindrance even for even older patients. For them, family members who can work with Emma are usually handled by doctors. Through software, for example, easily ask for a prescription for medicines.

“Some young patients are extremely excited about Emma. With a negative reaction whether for young or elderly patients, I She met only once,recalls.

The man in question did not want to use Emmy and claimed that he was unregistering. But in the end, he did not look for another doctor and began to use Emmys like everyone else.

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See how Emmy helps in the office of a practical doctor.

“The patients are excited about Emma and I will order the whole afternoon in one click.”

MD. Jana returtilova

More than half of Dr. Hladíková's patients are over fifty years old and they quickly got used to the Emmy.

How Emmy in the Office Helped

Thanks to Emmy, she is no longer constantly weighing the phone in the office and Karla Hladíková can concentrate on work.

“When a patient calls, I have to respond immediately. But when he writes through the Emmy, I have time to look at his medical history, study the test results, and calmly think about the best course of action. That's a huge advantage for me.”explains.

He adds that he and his sister repeatedly instruct patients that Emmy does not serve for acute conditions and problems and that in such cases they should call directly to the office.

“It also happens that I call the patient myself when his request at the Emmy is not quite clear and when it is more convenient to arrange it in person.”

Emmy brings her peace of mind in another respect as well. “It was very difficult during the pandemic. At two o'clock in the afternoon, my nurse and I ended up tired of talking to patients. But we had coffee, sat down at the computer and dealt with the demands at the Emmys one by one. Bolo nice that suddenly I don't have to talk to anyone whether in person or on the phone and I can solve everything in peace.”

Her office also uses an ordering function. The patient sends a request, the doctor evaluates that a personal visit is necessary and makes the appointment reservation available to the patient.

Before covid, for example, I waved twenty people in the waiting room. Now I order them after fifteen minutes, so there are a maximum of three in the waiting room. People are happy that they don't have to wait for hoursI don't want to go back to the old system. The empty waiting room suits the patients and they are happy to be able to order for a certain time.”

Favorite feature at the Emmy

The doctor liked the feature at Emmy, which allows her to inform patients about the current office hours. If, for example, going on vacation, enters the information into the software in advance.

“When patients then want to send a request, they see when the office will be closed and where someone will treat them in acute cases. This means they don't have to call the mayor and find out what's going on when no one is answering their phone in the office.”

And if people send a request just during the holidays, for example, Emmy will deliver automatic administration so that they do not wait for equipment even on that day, as they are at MUDr. Smooth habituation.

The doctor also appreciates that in Emmy can search the history of communication. “A couple of times I've had a patient claim that I told him something different than what I actually told him. All I had to do was open the Emmys, look into history, and there was a problem,” says.

See how Emmy helps in the office of a practical doctor.

“The patients are excited about Emma and I will order the whole afternoon in one click.”

MD. Jana returtilova

Thanks to Emmy, the doctor does not have to immediately respond to patients' telephone requests, but reads them at Emmy and calmly thinks about the best course of action.

How Emmy's customer support works

With the use of Emmy, she only needed to consult twice in the entire time.

“If I wrote to customer support, I received a response within a few hours. When it was urgent, I called. And I immediately called.”

The only technical problem she noticed, related to the internet. He dropped out in the office for a day. The doctor could not handle requests from Emmy, and she also lacked an order calendar. She temporarily had to return to the phone and paper.

“Unfortunately, I can't be without the internet these days. I will not write EneschOpenK, I will not issue eRecipe. Therefore, I preferred to set up a backup source of the Internet to be prepared even for the outage.”

Saves an hour to two a day

In addition to peace of mind for work, Emmy brought the doctor time savings.

“Thanks to Emmy, I save an hour or two a day. When the patient called before, I wrote down his symptoms on paper, explained the next procedure or therapy, and then I typed the notes into a computer. I exposed EneschOpenK, and then she still called the patient to know that it was already arranged. Now people write everything to me in the Emmy and I I'll just copy it to the decor. As soon as I expose the incapacity or resolve another of their requests, I inform the patient about it through Emmy.”

“I am very happy with Emmy, she saves me a lot of time and energy and gives me peace of mind to work,” adds Karla Hladíková.

Want to know more about how Emmy will help you in the office?

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MUDr. Ondrej Sobotka

Founder and Head Physician of Emmay

Tim Young

Founder and CEO